Tuesday, May 21, 2019

You can't answer this question... therefor...

If you are around theists enough, you will have seen this, or something like this before:

10 questions atheists can't answer.
15 questions only (X) religion can answer.

And on it goes. Lists of things that are questions that MUST be resolved for your "world view" to be stable, remarkable, or coherent. Let me let you in on a well kept skeptical secret (that isn't a secret) .... Its not true. A world view does not, in fact, need to answer any question at all. It is, simply put - how a person - and I know this is shocking.... VIEWS THE WORLD. Sorry, I was yelling at the theists that seem to just not get it. You might also toss the "Atheism/skepticism is a world view" onto the heap of statements that you might have seen more then once and explained why that is wrong... time and again apologists must lie or be wrong about reality in order to keep faith alive.

But, I'm getting off track...

No, you do not know all the answers to any given question. And that means nothing.

Not knowing does not make the answer (X).

Nor does THINKING that your world view gives an answer for (X) mean that is the right world view.

Also, the problem with the thinking that a worldview "needs" or "must" address any given problem is - in and of itself, part of your world view. Your view of the world says that a world view needs to answer questions, you think your world view answers those questions and that other views do not therefor you are right.

Simple circular logic there.

The other problem is, that an answer can match the question, but not in fact, BE the answer.

Last, but not least, we have the fact that you could not know what an answer is, but know what the answer is NOT.

Example: I do not know what 1 billion to the power of 17 is... but I do know that the answer is not zero. I also know the answer will not be a negative number, and that it will be higher then 1 billion. I can know a lot about what the answer is not, without knowing what the answer is.

So, no - not knowing an answer means nothing.
(possible appeal to ignorance)

Thinking that you know the answer is irreverent if you can not demonstrate that the answer is in fact the answer you think it is.

And wanting an answer does not mean there is an answer, it kind of depends on the question, loaded questions for example have no answer, you must deconstruct the question and object to it, thus you can not "answer" the question because of ya know, LOGIC.

Then again, if apologists learned logic and used it...
They wouldn't be apologists anymore, they would be skeptics.

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