Saturday, July 17, 2021


"Wish I could prove I love you
But does that mean I have to walk on water?"
When we are older, you'll understand
It's enough when I say so
And maybe some things are that simple"

I've talked about this topic before, but - I think it is a worth a re-visit. The issue is that a miracle is defined in such a way that it could not ever be proven without logical fallacies.

Google has miracle defined thus:

"A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency."

The problem as I see it comes in the event not being explicable by natural/scientific laws - since we do not know all said laws - then how could we ever hope to say any event was in fact, a miracle?

At best what we would be doing is appealing to personal ignorance &/or personal incredulity.

"We have run out of ways to test this... must be a miracle!"
"I can't think of any other way then miracle to explain this."
"I can't believe this would be anything BUT a miracle!"

Since we would have to use at least one logical fallacy to GET to the conclusion that means that our conclusion would not be one we could ever get to via logic, because of the fallacy! So we would never, ever be able to say that a miracle was in fact, a miracle. This is a problem for identifying one.

However, there is also the fact that no one seems able to point to a thing and say "There is a miracle" because nothing that people point to seems to be anything miraculous at all, everything seems to have a mundane expiation - at best. Critical questions asked about so-called miracle events are simply glossed over, ignored, hand-waved away. So we do not even HAVE a man walking on water to examine - but if we did - we might find he is doing a trick, rather then a miracle.

So - the believer in miracles washes these facts and logic away by simply saying they have faith.

That is all they have.
Not facts.

There is no evidence and can not be evidence of a miracle given what it is said to be due to logic. Of course, one day we might know all the things and in fact be able to then identify (X) as a miracle because we KNOW there are no other expiations for it... but we are far from that, and I doubt even if we got there that we would be satisfied with "miracle" for maybe we do not know all the things after all.

Maybe a miracle is just magic.
It only exists in the mind.

A hope. A desire. A wish.
And maybe that is okay. Its fine to dream, but you still need to wake up and do things!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

CRT will be the straw that breaks...

 This CRT nonsense will be the end of us all.

School Board Madness edited

Full video of School Board Madness from above link

More madness

Look, whatever the bleep they want to call this utter nonsense - its racist. That is what it is. CRT and/or DIE models and/or whatever names they want to label them as (Hey its not Creationism its ID!) is pure madness that is marching right into our schools - and those that try to stop it, of course are trying to be shut down. This should be something that the left yells about as well as the right - but goodness the CRT somehow has worked its way up to Obama wondering why we are focusing so much on CRT (rather then other issues) "Nothing to see here, move alone" eh?

Insanity and madness.

All I can say is that. Oh I can make videos I guess, but I'm a very small voice.

I want to effect real change - but I have no idea how.