Friday, May 31, 2019
Rewriting Captain Marvel
Why bother you ask? Because... why not? So, I'm going to re-write what Captain Marvel film should have, could have been. Here goes.
Casting change for the main roll: Milla Jovovich
Why? Shes' talented, and she kicked butt back in the day.
So I'm pretty sure she could pull it off.
Now how I would structure the movie:
First, lets start it from her as a kid, she gets knocked down by a boy, and cries, her dad rushes to her side and says "Get up," and she looks at him, and he just looks at her, slowly she stands. "Wipe those tears away," he tells her. She does. He nods approval and walks off, as he does, the scene fades into a transition to her as a teen, kneeling at his grave to place a flower, "No tears," she says, "I'm... not crying..." she walks away and it fades to her older, training for the Air-force where she falls off a rope, "GET UP" the instructor yells, she pounds the earth next to her, gets up and climbs the rope to the top, others cheer but she looks very muted in emotion, stern, hard, cold.
She is learning to fly, as we see she is approached by a woman who asks to be friends with her.
"Why bother being friends?" she asks rhetorically, "They just weaken you, if you fall, you have to get up on your own."
She smiles, "I'll help you up," she offers her hand, and we see her smile for the first time. The two are shown bonding over serous and fun times, hard work - a training sequence with fighter jets flying around zoom - zoom! Fast, fun, we see them thumb up each other. Then the plane with her friend in it, suddenly explodes.
Shocked, Carol Danvers looks up and sees an alien ship. She flies at it to combat it, and in a flash of light, her plane vanish's.
Screen darkens and when light comes up we see her being experimented upon, strange liquid flowing into her, things zapping her, probes and so on.
When we next see her, she is awakened by one of the Kree from the Guardian of the Galaxy movies - not the main one but one of the minions - he is the one who trains her and tells her that she was attacked by Skrulls and experimented on, and they saved her. She works with them and they go on missions to fight the Skrulls. Her powers start to emerge slowly as she is being trained to use them and control them by her mentor.
A rumor that a number of Skrulls are on Earth is over heard by Carol (who her mentor has renamed Marvel)
She asks to come along and he refuses without explaining why. She boards the ship as a stowaway anyway and they arrive at earth, scanning for Skrulls, when one of the Skrulls ships de-cloaks and blasts them, sending them falling into the sky, the ship is breaking apart and she bails out, activating her powers to soften her landing.
She crashes into a building and a few moments latter gets up, she wipes away a tear from her face, wondering what it is aloud. A man walks into the room, "What are you doing here the gamma..?" he asks - its Bruce Banner, this is his lab she has crashed into. She doesn't explain and rushes towards him, ready to fight, "Lady no!" he screams holding up his arm to block her, she slams on him, "No - please... my - you don't want to see me an...grrryyyy!" he becomes Hulk to her shock, and punches her though the wall, as she tumbles to the ground we hear "ROAR" and more destruction as the Hulk goes smashing things somewhere else.
She lays there, we hear her fathers voice "Get up." she begins to slowly remember, looking back at her memories from her adult point of view, but also from an outsider, not really understanding she is watching her own memories, "Whoever that kid is, her father is helping her," she says out loud, "Hes teaching her to get up, knowing that life is hard, to not cry unless its time to cry... she doesn't understand that..." she sees herself and her friend, and the plane explode, and herself being experimented on, her eyes open and she sees out of them, her mentor overseeing her experiments... now she knows its her, and her memory and that she was lied to.
On the ground we see her open her eyes, and they shine green for a moment, as her powers flow over her she gets up, "I'll have my revenge..." she swears and begins to run.
We see her running faster and faster as her powers grow, "Get...up..." she says - then she jumps - and flies into the sky. She smiles. She flies around until she sees the downed Kree ship and lands.
She demands answers from her mentor who lies more to cover it up. She blasts him with her powers, but he withstands it, he rushes inside of the downed ship, and launch's an escape pod, the blast of the engine burring down upon her. But, rather then hurt her, it just fuels her power more, the pod launches into space and she flies up after it, in space the pod is grabbed by a ship that then launches into one of the warp hex's. She follows after them, wondering in her mind about the Skrulls on earth, and flies back down.
She is then seen walking down the streets and enters a building that has an advertisement for a "way to contact anyone" she finds a pager and asks about it, after its explained to her she runs off with it, causing them to call the police on her, but she flies away and they do not see her go.
She uses her powers to infuse the device with energy and to enhance it. She then asks around about where someone in charge would be, and finally gets told to ask about the FBI or something. She is seen putting the pager into an envelope with FBI written on the outside, and placing it into a mail box. She also includes a warning about the Skrulls. Having satisfied herself that she has warned this planet, she goes into space, entering the hex she vanish's.
We flash forward to some point in time, agent Furry is given the pager asked to figure out what its all about, He then gets into a car with the other SHIELD agent. As he sees things go to hell he feels the pager go off - and realizes he is dying, "Mother fu--" he says as he turns to dust, we see the pager has the symbol of our hero on it, perhaps she knows what happened, and is coming back.
There. I fixed it. It needs more fleshing out of course, but I think that this is a much better version then what we got. Agree, disagree? How would you do it? Let me know in the comments below! Wait no this isn't youtube.. how does this thing work anyway? :D
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