Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Good is good, with, or without a god.

So, I submit the idea that "good" is in fact, really for real "good" - regardless of if or if not there is or is not any god out there.

Some say that good is subjective, and it could be seen that way, as we must put a starting place somewhere. I dare say that for most humans, it would at least be to lessen human suffering, and to ensure human life (if not life of other things although that might be needed to keep humans going).
For those that do not care about human life, well - I think they would not really last to long ;)

There was a story I once read about a Monk who used a very small washcloth to clean the wood floor of a very large church. It took him all day to do it. No one had asked him to do it. When asked, he said that he did it because it was good to do it. He didn't want anything for doing it, no praise, no complement, no anything. Just doing it was enough.

When I was a Christian, I had this view - that doing good was something I must do because it proved that I loved God. Yet, sometimes I would pray that I didn't want my good things to be noticed - that God should just ignore what I did good, because I didn't want it to get me anything. I didn't want the big golden house, I just wanted a normal place, give my things to someone else. I wanted to be humble.

Latter, I would joke in bible class that I was the most humble person among them, ah humor.

But, I saw doing good in a strange way due to my Christian beliefs - you didn't need to do anything (other then believe in Jesus as your savor) to be saved. You didn't have to do good, you should do good but its only because you love God, you should do good in a hidden way, not to show off.

Yet, there was songs that said that your checkbook would show how you payed to the church and that therefor loved Jesus or things like this. Or other things like this.

Now as a skeptic, I do not believe in Jesus, or God or things of that nature. Yet I still do think that doing good - is good, that whatever good is - if you do it, then its still good.

That hope of reward, or fear of punishment should not be why you do good. That it is easy, or hard should not stop you from doing good. That you should do as much good as you possibly can, because simply - it is good to do good.

If someone gives you something for doing good, thank them, be good to them. Its okay to be good openly. In fact, doing good openly might encourage others to do good, you never know.
Even if not, you can know that it was good.

So, do good.

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