Friday, August 23, 2019

There never was an atheist community, nor will there ever be one.

It has been said that getting atheists to agree upon anything, is like herding a bunch of cats.

I take umbrage to that - cats are far easier to control.

Atheist is simply a term used for anyone that doesn't believe in:

God/god/Gods/gods/Goddess's/goddess's/Deity/deity/Nature/Truth &/or any other term for a grand maker of the universe and all we know and reality itself. (other then itself of course, but sometimes it made that as well, depends on your selected God, see a skeptic if theism persists for more then a few years)

So - what's with all the atheist groups that have met in real life - skepcon, atheistcon whatever the bleepcon? Well - people like to be social. People also like to make money. And lo - the con was born.

Conventions of all sorts exist. Sometimes they are dumb. Sometimes, they are really, really dumb. And sometimes they are run by dumb people.
By dumb I mean people who are not just nitwits, but a danger to there own self and others.

I'm talking about atheism+ mostly, but that is a whole thing that has a long, boring, dry history that you can look up I guess.

Also we have sort of, kind-of made groups on forums, g+ (when it existed), chat, and youtube. We have loose ties to each other in a very loose sense. The only thing we all agree on is that we do not believe in God (or that there is no God, or that you can't know about god...or) oh. Oh no. Bleep no.

Yes, we can't really even seem to agree on what the darn word atheist means, should mean, or does mean. Oh hi natural language you wish to mess with logic again? Bleep me.

It is clear that some humans need, or want religion, or at least something that connects them. More then a non-thing like atheism in and of itself does. So, people turn to politics, or ideology, feminism, or the social justice warrior, the MGTOW or any other group that is out there. Some ideas those groups have might be good, and some might be bad.

Like all groups, however, the problem is that humans can never seem to agree with anything, even when its all written down.

You got your bible, I've got mine, and no one can agree on what the word "word" is apparently.

Even the sacred Lobsterist is most likely debated among its adherents... most likely.

So there is not an athiest community. Just people who happen to be within that label (maybe) that might hang out together in some way, and might sometimes agree about things, but other things - eh not so much.

We take all types here, membership is free and also there is no membership.

This is why I guess I call myself a skeptic, at least no one disagree's with what that word ...


Bleep. No. NO. People disagree about what skeptic is?!

For the love of....


Fine, whatever. Anyway so I guess there will not be a community but of course people will call it one anyway because screw it we like labels.

This whole thing was pointless to write in the end as it ends in madness and paradox.
Then again, perhaps that was the point, as such is life, its not black or white, its messy and every color and non-color.

I am pretty sure that I didn't explain anything here.


Good luck.

Also no such thing as luck.



Saturday, August 3, 2019

Bang. You are now dead.

You just got shot. You are now dead. Well, that sucks.

Your problems are over. The living are the one who have all the problems still. Your friends, family, those that knew you, will miss you, one hopes. They will grieve, they will be sad, they will keep living, one hopes. Then, of course, things get political, as things tend to do. Perhaps one, or more of those people will protest the gun used, the make, model, the type of round. Perhaps they will ask for more laws, more something. Someone needs to do SOMETHING to fix this. Those in power will say they will get right on it. They don't. Time moves on. Each day is harder to protest then the last. You have a life, you have to move on. Sure, a few might stay with it, being a lifetime activist to try to get any law passed, anything changed, its an uphill battle. Perhaps its psychology they go after, thinking that if only we took care of the minds of troubled humans that would solve the core issue, if there is even a core issue. This to might pass. Someone needs to do SOMETHING. Some will, others will for awhile, then move on, others will do nothing then yell into the wind.

Something must change. Yet, it seems, it doesn't change. Not really. More people get shot. More people die needlessly. Who's fault is it? Left, right, politics, does it matter? You can't fix it, I can't fix it. So, people give up, the trying is hard, the doing is hard, the change is slow if any change is even possible.

Well, clearly the only way to get rid of guns is.... more guns! Yes that will solve it, more people armed will make it safer. Wait no. That doesn't work always, but sometimes! Oh! Wait what if.. no we can't do that...humm.

Yes well. The dead are dead, and can not speak. The tragic thing will go and be something new next week, or perhaps even one moment from now, people's attention is easy to distract. Oh look a nice new video about cats.

So well. Why are you reading this? Did you expect answers? Ha! Nah, but you've read something like this, someone being jaded saying, "eh, screw it" am I doing that? I guess. What else is there?

Yet, giving up - wrong. But, I'm going to. I don't want to, its just...what can I do? Is there really anything? Does my vote matter? Does my voice matter? Does anything matter? What if I run for office and get in, can I change anything?

Perhaps it starts with the one who owns a gun or ten to say, enough is enough, my gun ownership is not worth the lives of others, to take there gun apart, sell it for scrap. If enough people did that... maybe that would change things? 

Or maybe we would just have more knife crime and deaths?


Your dead so, its not up to you to fix it. Bang! Oh, well there goes another one. See you back next time.