Thursday, May 30, 2024

God is losing power!

 God is losing power. It has been losing power from the start, but I just realized this "T"urth.

Okay, so check it out, God started at 100% power it took like, oh at least 50% to start the universe, lets not kid around, he packed that in in a mere 6 days! No wonder he had to rest! Wooooie!

Then he kinda did nothing for awhile until he got tired of the humans again and flooded the whole earth, that's got to take a lot of power, all that water from nowhere?! Yeah that's at least 10% right there.

So every moment God's doing something in the bible (because of course its the god of the bible duh!) then he is losing power, 1% here, 10% there - its all draining.

You get to Jesus and this happens!

Luke 8:44: She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. 'Who touched me?' Jesus asked.

When they all denied it, Peter said, 'Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you."

But Jesus said, 'Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me."

SEE! Jesus FELT the power DRAINING from him! This is clear cut proof that God's power is slowly being drained! Now, you know the story, Jesus dies right - goes to hell (in some versions) and does... bleep all if I know and has to come back to life, well - he has to recharge first, so that's why it took him 2-3 days to return you see?

So now Jesus does a few more minor things after that, really non-impressive things, pretty much he's worn out of power, I dare say God's power by now is like 2% at BEST and Jesus has to go and show off by floating into the sky. Before he goes he leaves like 1% of the power of "Holy Ghost" on earth that blows around in the wind or something.

Anyway, so God's got like, maybe 1% power now, and that was 2000 some years ago, he's got to be really low now - BUT - that's where prayer comes in - its giving him like .00001% power back you see. But that's each person's whole life time worth of prayer. So its not adding up to much even though lots of prayers are being done - its going to take a lot more people praying to get god anywhere near the amount it needs to be 25% the bare min power level needed to make a comeback, but if its going to be Revelation style, that's at least 30% of power. So doing the math that means.... god is coming back... oh no no wait I forgot to carry the one! Ahh man! Well anyway Gods not coming back anytime soon so next time someone says the end is around the corner just tell them, nah man God's power level is not anywhere near high enough for that.

Meanwhile of course LOD has over 9000% power level.

Also I'm pretty sure I made all this up.

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