Saturday, February 23, 2019

Calm vs Chaos

This video above will be what I'm outlining this post about.

Here is the what I think is the essence of the free market place of ideas that has some people so worried: "Its best to let the unreasonable opposition speak, because they manifest themselves as unreasonable."

This is true. Yet, some are going to be, and are attracted to the unreasonable, and this is the price we pay for freedom to ring. We have to risk that bad will win, hopeful that good will win in the end. I think that it will, I think we must be reasonable. Being otherwise leads to madness, as it can be seen. These people chanting are so afraid, so deluded at what might be said, they do not bother to hear what will be said.

They want some speech to be censored. Yet, here they are, not even protesting against the speech that is the speech that they want censored. That should tell you something. It should tell you that they have no idea what it is they are fighting for, or why, they have no leadership, no coherent ideas, they are robots - the term "NPC has been rightly flung at them, and is far more apt then SJW - but they are simply not moving anything forward, but everything back.

They can not hope to understand reality, nor face or cope with it. They are so busy being "activists" that they stopped learning, stopped growing. What will they do in life, how will they cope? One wonders.

If only they had stopped there chanting they could hear, they could see that, they are facing down the wrong person. They are opposed to someone they shouldn't be. Yet, they are so desperate for someone, anyone to go after, that they find it, then do it. They have not grown up, and perhaps, never will.

In the face of this, Jordan stays calm, something I want to do, something I want to gain. To stay quiet, still speaking, but not speaking back - he said to remain calm. Keep your head. A few counter protested, that was in error, perhaps. Simply face the insanity with calm and love. Something the NPCs can not stand, they want hate and anger. Do not let them have what they want.

Are they using free speech to protest? I suppose, but in the most disgraceful way possible. They are the ones promoting hate and chaos. Lets not be like them.

Rise above. Speak what you think is true. Learn logic and be willing and able to debate all the ideas.
Let those speak who have bad ideas - so we can see just how bad they are. They did - those chanting have bad ideas. This is clear.

Be better. Use logic.

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