Someone very near and dear to me said the phrase "I'd rather die and be wrong about God, then die without belief and be wrong."
As a skeptic, that phrase stuns me, and I do not even know what to say, the illogic of it is plain to me, but not to the person that said it. For it is the belief they hold. In fact, they believe several things.
1: God exists.
2: There is an afterlife.
3: God cares that you believe in it, and will reward you with the afterlife only if you do believe in it.
There are about 8 billion people in this world, and out of them about 3 billion are Christian, so that means that about 5 billion people will all not get this reward because they picked the wrong belief (if one can even pick a belief) why? Well I asked them, and they said that is simply the rules they picked.
That's all. Just how the maker of the universe made the rules. God makes no sense.
Why? Because. But WHY? Just... because.
I do not believe in an afterlife, that doesn't mean I believe there is one, although I doubt there is, my belief is not relevant to whatever happens to be the truth, but my word I don't like the idea of death for sure, I mean, I'm used to existing, so I'd like to do it for awhile. How long? No idea. Depends!
But, the idea that a God would make it so only a limited amount of people would get "in" - is absurd to me, the idea of God - sure I can understand that perhaps, but something that made a ruleset that limited the number of people based on belief? Nah.
I do not know what words to say to negate this belief. I do not want to die, but it will happen one day, and I'd rather have the truth whatever it is, then a belief without evidence, and god simply has no evidence for it.
A god that requires you to believe in it to get "in" - is not a good god.
Perhaps god isn't god... but then why say it is?
Faith has its hooks into this dear person I love, and sadly logic can not make it past this idea... at least, not for now.
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