Psalms 137:9 Blessed the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rock: the children represent the future generations, and so must be destroyed if the enemy is truly to be eradicated.
1 Samuel 15:3
Hosea 13:1
Isaiah 13:16
Numbers 31:17
Deuteronomy 21:18
Exodus 21:15
Exodus 22:19
Death! Kill!! War! Stuff!! Glad no one (by no one I mean lots of people) take this out of context!
So yeah, the bible says that killing people is fine under some conditions and also seems to be fine with genocide. That doesn't seem good to me.
One example of a chrich doing things in or not in the bible that I can point to is the CoC:
The Chirch of Christ (click) thinks that you can't use mechanical intraments even though Psalm 33:2 says otherwise! (click)
One example of a church doing things in or not in the Bible that I can point to is the CoC:
The Church of Christ thinks that you can't use mechanical instruments, even though Psalm 33:2 says otherwise!
Maybe there are no modern churches (thank goodness!) that follow the laws of the Bible, but my point is, it doesn't say these things are bad; rather, it says they are good. That is bad. How can you make good ethics with bad morals? No idea!
Ah well, maybe someone will explain it to me one day in a logical way...
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