Ah good old "god" - well, the god of the Judeo-christian "Holy Bible". I'll just call him Yahwah since that is one of the names "he" gets.
Anyway, so lots of Christian's seem to think man made sin, that is, because of Eve, then Adam eating the FORBIDDEN FRUIT. That everything went to bleep.
So, lets look at this, with logic, but first I need to recap the story...
The story thus far:
God made Adam put him in a really nice Garden. Told them they could eat anything - BUT not the tree of knowledge of good & evil or he will die. (Gen 2:17)
Then God realized, woopies, Adam is alone, so he made a bunch of other creatures, Adam however couldn't bone any of them, bummer. (Gen 20:20)
God made Adam a woman out of his rib because... why not?
Some all knowing narrator that knows what will happen latter on tells us that this is why men will leave there mom & dad - to get a woman. (Gen 2:24)
Adam & Eve are nudists, but its cool.
A serpent (Or Naga/Lilith) talked .... (sure why not) to Eve and was like "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"" (Gen 3:1)
Hold on a moment! Eve wasn't there! She wouldn't know what was said!
Adam was there!
Adam was there!
Also we never get a scene when Adam tells Eve about this tree. Go figure.
Eve, having only SECOND HAND information is like, nah we can eat any of the tree stuff but not touch that one or we die. (Gen 3:3)
The Tempter (Serpent/Naga/Lilith/Devil/whatever) was like , nah, you will not die, (true) but you will know what good & evil are, just like god (also true). (Gen 3:5)
Eve takes it because it looks yummy and she wants to know things, she also gives it to Adam. Things go to bleep after that. (Gen 3:6)... Okay we are caught up now.
So here begins the problem of sin, because Eve/Adam ate from this forbidden tree... that God made. God also made the serpent. And made the rule. And God made it so that Eve/Adam would not know good or evil - and made the tree's forbidden fruit look yummy and also gave Eve the desire to want to know things.
Also, God knew what Eve/Adam would do, because Yahwah knows the future (according to many Christians, eh I'm sure its in the bible somewhere)
So... who is at fault here?
You really, really want to blame Eve, she didn't know good and evil. She also had SECOND HAND information (off screen) from Adam about this tree.
Want to blame Adam? He doesn't know good and evil and was LIED TO by God - the fruit does NOT KILL THEM, and no - none of that bull about "spiritual death" nope - God said you will DIE. They didn't die. God is a liar or at the very least God didn't explain to Adam what he was saying by "die" also - does Adam know what death even is?
So its not Adam's fault either.
The fault is upon God.
It made the whole thing, knowing full well what would happen.
It blames it on the humans, but its really God's own "design".
Of course, this isn't want Christian's are told to believe, so they don't. This is the logical way to view this story, but that isn't what many Christians will do, rather they will say all sorts of things to try to
defend this nonsense story.
... Its just a story. Its not true, never was. Its a just so story, to try to say why things are bad in this world.
That's all it ever was, and all it could ever be.
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