OlPossum1 has come to my attention via good old twitter.
Ah yes, this person seems like he is a theist of some sort, what type, I can not tell.
He has a bone to pick with atheists, and that is all well and good, but his ideas are, how to put it... incoherent.First, there is his problem with the word "atheist" he also seems to think he knows what other people believe (mind reading/special knowledge). He alone knows what atheists are, and the bleep with any corrections on the word.Well. What is one to do? I suppose you could block him, as it seems he likes to block others. But, its more fun to poke back and try (in vein) to correct him.But let me try to take the high road, and steel-man his argument. Let me assume, for now, that reality has been shaped to his ideas, and that I, and other atheists do in fact worship other (dead) idols, our own self, have no claim to objective truth.Very well. Now what?
This does not make his argument about his idea of god, (pulled from the old & new testament it seems), correct. Nor does it support any idea of any god he wants to put forth. It matters not that I (or anyone else) has "zero claim" to "objective truth" (whatever that is) - what matters is that he has not supported his claim. At all. Not even a little bit.He mentioned the commandments, I'm assuming he is referring to all 613. But perhaps he wants to ignore those, and only focus on the top ten. What version? The one where you can't boil a baby goat in its mother's milk (Exodus 23:19), or the other one? Eh, I guess it doesn't matter what number ten is, because I would hazard to GUESS (since possum doesn't explain) that he is talking about the FIRST command: Exodus 20:3 that says we should have no other gods before this god. (Yahweh)
So, if we do not put this god on "top" of our god's - because according to possum we atheists bevel in other gods I suppose. Then clearly we are putting those other gods (that he calls idols) on top of our god list.However, that does not follow per say, what if we do not in fact, worship those gods at all, or very much? What if we only kinda put them on top, or near the top? Regardless, even if it is the case that we do, in fact do this, that doesn't mean that his idea is correct, that is, there is not any support for the first idea of the first commandment. He has not shown anyone that it is, and must be true.So then, it must be assumed (or presumed) to be the case that this command:
1: came from god.
2: was preserved correctly with no edits by humans.
3: is being understood correctly by humans.
Why would I, or anyone else assume any of that? Maybe one could be taken on faith by someone of this religion, granted. But how could two or three be taken at faith at all? We know humans do edit the bible - its been done before, will be done again, we have lots of different translations of this thing. How can we hope to know that someone, somewhere did not edit this in some way? Possum didn't give us anything to show that it has the same meaning in the original language from the earliest known writings we have on the bible, so we have no reason to believe that to be the case. No argument is given.
Of course one can appeal to the bit in the bible that promises it will be "preserved" (whatever that means), but what about three? According to the bible humans are sinful, wrong, flawed, imperfect, how can we hope to know if any human gets any of this right?!
So is possum right? No way to know, as no argument was given. It helps not if he thinks he has objective truth, as he has not shown he has. It helps not that he thinks he knows what this word "atheist" means. It also helps not that he seems to think he is so right, that he doesn't have to prove anything to anyone.
Well, I suppose that is what faith can do to some humans, not all mind you. Then again this is a possum, perhaps he should just play dead and not post more nonsense on twitter... or anywhere else for that matter.
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