Solipsism can suck it.
Okay, well that was easy. Moving on.
Wait no. Its NEVER that easy right?
So, in my best Seinfeld voice "Whats the deal with solipsism?"
In essence it is thus: "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist."
Well, because we know that our senses can fail, and do. We know people are born blind, or go blind. We know people can't hear or become deaf, we know that your own mind can lock you into such a state that your unable to view reality as the bell-curve rest of us sees it.
Well that sucks. But at least I'm - SOMETHING... right? I exist? Right? I'm pretty sure. I mean, I am saying "I" and "me" but what the bleep is me or I? I wake up, am I a different me then yesterday? Well, maybe but not as much as I am different then when I was eight. My word if only I could impart this wisdom & knowledge to my past self... but would he accept it or understand it? I'd like to think so, but who knows.
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Solipsism |
But its worse then the picture above. Your brain might not even look like that. You might just be code in some computer. Yet the computer is also something that might look so vastly different then anything we have ever seen that we wouldn't even know what the bleep we were looking at.
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Red King |
Perhaps its all a dream of the Red King. Now, in my mind this isn't what the Red King should look like, but darn it reality wants to negate my idea of it. Okay so go read the actual version of him, here is mine, he is all shades of red and looks like a king, and his dream is what reality is. If you wake him up you go poof. Yet, you are skeptical this is the case. Dare you test it and wake him?
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Wind Fish |
Everything but you and the dreamer is a dream. This is the story from Links Awaking. You have to wake the Wind Fish to win the game, but doing so means everyone vanishes. But you remember them, so - that is something right? I mean, they existed... sort of. They thought they did right? Is each person and creature you encounter just an aspect of the Wind Fish's mind? Who can say.
Okay, okay! We get it, we can't really know reality is really real sort of, but - we experience "something" and that "something" seems real to us. Each and everyday. In fact, we tend to (one hopes) grow out of the idea that when you sleep the world vanish's that the universe is revolving around you. Even me with my high level of narcissism knows that is not the case!
Yet, we can't really say for 100% that reality is what we think it is, we can only get sort of maybe close. The scientific method seems pretty good at sorting out things, as does the method of informal & formal logic. At least they give us something to work with, mathematics seems to work pretty darn well.
The problem I see with this is, that although it is true we can't be sure that what we experience is real to a 100% it also doesn't mean that we should then go on to believe that reality is in fact, not real, or an illusion.
We feel pain. We feel loss. We feel a lot of things. We experience mundane and strange things. Some can be explained, some can not, we label everything but we do not always know that label is even a thing in and of itself.
Sure, you can call an experience "spiritual" but what is "spiritual"? What is a spirit? Do you have an example of it? If not, why call it that?
Yet, mostly we do not experience "God" or "Spiritual" or weird events, we typically have very "normal" lives, broadly speaking.
I would want one day to talk to someone who was born without sight, and ask them how they can be sure anything they have been told is true. How can they know that blue is even a thing? Yet there must be some way they could know that, right?
Does the blind person have access to things I do not? I want to ask questions of all people of all sorts. I want answers. I think you might want answers as well.
One thing I've come to accept is that, there will always be questions, but not always answers, but always more questions.
What is it like to never be? What if I was born a woman? What if this, what if that? Why am I not a cat? Who knows. That is one of those things - just - we are born who we are, we didn't ask to be that way, some are "lucky" to be born in a place where they have food and education, others are not so "lucky" some are born without a brain, (!!) and do not last long - what is life from there view? Do they even perceive reality at all?
Reality is real. Its a hash thing at times. My own mind, whatever it is, couldn't and I dare say wouldn't have the mess that is out there. If someone made this for me and me alone, my word they have to be board by now! So, yes, I'm a jaded skeptic, but no I don't doubt that reality is real, or that you exist or that we all exist or that someday, we might even figure it all out.
Yep. I'm very sure that reality is still real.
Most likely.
Look we can all agree lobsters exist... right?
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