Tuesday, July 30, 2019

DM's Well Mind 7

Wow, I found this song, written some days gone on, a guy named Hopkins with an ill mind but I found this song's so good I've played it on rewind, its about his faith and how he lost it, although he's tryn` to talk to god and not diss` him, but its revealed as the song goes on, that his mind just found to many flaws that the story was based upon, to much what ifs, and he's done, he mentions its his life and he is having fun, as if one couldn't do that with god what is that belief based upon?

Religion is a virus of the mind you see, Dawkins said that and no one recalls his scientific legacy, they just see him as a pope of atheism but that's not true, as an atheist the only one who leads you is you. Just yourself, with no one to call upon, no prayers to be answered, no Hail Marry to hang your hopes upon, just you, and that is it, might make you feel alone, and religion knows that shit, it prays upon, our life gone wrong, it takes whatever needs we have and puts a tag upon, sayn` it can heal or help or mend all the things that life might rend, including the end of life too, they think we are nitwits? They should just quit, but they belief that shit so they think its legit.

Learning how many things I once thought was true are not, truth be told that hurt a lot, at least for awhile, then I realized that the truth was more real then I realized it, science can explore this wondrous world, with these tools we can know the for real deal, we don't have to depend upon faith or hope or whatever spell you might call upon.

Magic doesn't exist, its all just tricks, if Jesus existed he would have fooled Penn and Teller no bullshit, but upon closer exam you would see how he did the trick and the illusion would be revealed for all to see. The point is you don't know how its done, that way you can say its a miracle even though there is no way to know if you've seen a real one.

Its a hoax, but folks will say that its more believable then the alternative, what alternative I ask last I checked science hasn't come up with those answers just yet, but humans can't wait so they play dumb and call upon a thing they called god and then they carry on.

Logic and science, facts and data, those things are true and never tell no fables, you got to use your brain to understand em, they are not easy, no bedtime story this stuff makes you dizzy. I guess that helps to explain religion to as its easy when someone else thinks for you. If you don't learn to think for yourself you will be though, so be tough and learn to be the best possible you.

Its not easy that's for sure, but don't quit, just be true man and never regret it. Stand tall and say without fail that there is no heaven or god or demons or devil, all the bull that religion say is true, only maybe like 1% is true but I can find that without some man in a collar telling me what to do. Free your mind and come along, smile and put that badge right on, the label you have put a light upon, tell the world you are no longer a theist, just now call you atheist.

That shits dope yo, and you don't have to believe it. We got facts they got faith, we will help them see the light of the day, one day, they will come out of that hole they found themselves in maybe but until the war is won, we march each battle with logic and draw upon each other and others we have a shoulder you can cry on. We will carry on.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Lets play the "No rules game."

You are now playing the no rules game. The rule is there is no rules. I just won.
You also have never been playing this game and you just won.
We both just lost and have always been playing this game.
Remember the rule? There wasn't any rules.
You can cheat but you also can't because there isn't any way to cheat but everyone always never cheats sometimes.
You don't want to play? That is fine, but also its the law that you play.
You might try to object that this is a paradox, but paradox is a rule, and there was no rule.
Wait is having no rule a rule, and if so then is it not a real rule but only a fake one?
The answer was yes, and also no.
Who won? Everyone and no one. Everywhere all the time but not at all.
Fun game isn't it? Yes, and also no.
Want to stop playing? You can't also you always stopped and we just started and we have always
played this game and will always be playing this game.
This is a hard game to win, yet its easy.
Want to play again?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I made a hard thing to read really easy to read.

So I was thinking about Thomas Aquinas's argument from motion, as one does. I was looking at it thinking, "Man this stuff is hard as bleep to understand, why can't we just make it easy to read?"
Then I was like "Who the bleep is we I'm the only one here in my brain!?" and then I was like "Guess I'll do it."

Anyway so here is the original hard to read thing: CLICK HERE TO SEE IT.

Pull that up side by side with my better easy to read version. I'm pretty sure I nailed it. Let me know if I didn't and I'll fix it, but do note I'm making it EASY to read so if your objection would make it harder to read I will not care about it so there.

Let me know what else you think is way to hard to read and I'll make it easy to read. :)

What its about: Aquinas argues that because something moves is moved by something else that moved, god exists.

I. Argument begins with seeing that things move in real life. Due to some stuff don't think that the conclusion (god) is certain, even though the whole thing is written that way.

A. If the argument is correct, it might be true because its like science, basically its just possible, so don't say the conclusion doesn't follow even if it doesn't because its not that sort of argument.

B. The concept of moving vs not moving is further complicated by more words and ideas in this argument.

C: Here is the argument:

1: We see stuff move with our eyeballs. Stuff that might move and stuff that does move. Thins are acted on. (Note you see this stuff with your eyes so its a special type of argument)

2: Things that are moved are moved by other things. The thing that might move only moves when it really does move. (Tree comes from tree seed)

3: Unless there is a god, then there is no movement.  When you take away the moving you take away the possible moving. (What came first the chicken or the egg?)

a: (Eating real toast for real makes you more awake, because the toast can do that. Real bread can become real toast. Real water, dirt and air can become grain. Taking away any of those things leads to no toast so the person eating it can't be more awake because there is no toast to eat, and for this example we ignore other things that could make you awake.)

b: (Aquinas isn't rejecting infinity going backwards even though he seems to be.)

4. God exists.

II. Some strawman objections to this argument:

A. Contradiction on number 2. God isn't moved but has the maybe move does that mean god can't move? Well no because see its about what could be or is, and if god isn't that thing then no and using special pleading about what god is like makes it avoid the objection.

B. There are problems with moving and sometimes moving. Why is it assumed that this have a start to all this? Why is it assumed to have a start, middle and end? Is that natural? Or maybe we just think this way? Why does the universe have to begin?

C. Simple idea: is it more reasonable to think that stuff that moves has always been that way then to think that all of it came from nothing? Newtons first law helps this objection somehow:

A thing that isn't moving will stay not moving, and a thing that is moving will stay moving unless it is stopped by something else.

D: Moving and not moving are both not the default state of the universe. Big bang theory and Big Rip theory are less possible then steady state theory and loop/Cyclical theory and pulsating universe theory.

E: Stuff can be explained without other stuff maybe. Something about Einstein's theory of relativity can be an objection to this argument.

More stuff to read:

Blah link one.
Blah link two.
Blah link three.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Reality is still real.

Solipsism can suck it.

Okay, well that was easy. Moving on.

Wait no. Its NEVER that easy right?

So, in my best Seinfeld voice "Whats the deal with solipsism?"

In essence it is thus: "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist." 


Well, because we know that our senses can fail, and do. We know people are born blind, or go blind. We know people can't hear or become deaf, we know that your own mind can lock you into such a state that your unable to view reality as the bell-curve rest of us sees it. 


Well that sucks. But at least I'm - SOMETHING... right? I exist? Right? I'm pretty sure. I mean, I am saying "I" and "me" but what the bleep is me or I? I wake up, am I a different me then yesterday? Well, maybe but not as much as I am different then when I was eight. My word if only I could impart this wisdom & knowledge to my past self... but would he accept it or understand it? I'd like to think so, but who knows.

 Source of picture

But its worse then the picture above. Your brain might not even look like that. You might just be code in some computer. Yet the computer is also something that might look so vastly different then anything we have ever seen that we wouldn't even know what the bleep we were looking at.

Red King
Perhaps its all a dream of the Red King. Now, in my mind this isn't what the Red King should look like, but darn it reality wants to negate my idea of it. Okay so go read the actual version of him, here is mine, he is all shades of red and looks like a king, and his dream is what reality is. If you wake him up you go poof. Yet, you are skeptical this is the case. Dare you test it and wake him?

Wind Fish

Everything but you and the dreamer is a dream. This is the story from Links Awaking. You have to wake the Wind Fish to win the game, but doing so means everyone vanishes. But you remember them, so - that is something right? I mean, they existed... sort of. They thought they did right? Is each person and creature you encounter just an aspect of the Wind Fish's mind? Who can say.

Okay, okay! We get it, we can't really know reality is really real sort of, but - we experience "something" and that "something" seems real to us. Each and everyday. In fact, we tend to (one hopes) grow out of the idea that when you sleep the world vanish's that the universe is revolving around you. Even me with my high level of narcissism knows that is not the case!

Yet, we can't really say for 100% that reality is what we think it is, we can only get sort of maybe close. The scientific method seems pretty good at sorting out things, as does the method of informal & formal logic. At least they give us something to work with, mathematics seems to work pretty darn well. 

The problem I see with this is, that although it is true we can't be sure that what we experience is real to a 100% it also doesn't mean that we should then go on to believe that reality is in fact, not real, or an illusion. 

We feel pain. We feel loss. We feel a lot of things. We experience mundane and strange things. Some can be explained, some can not, we label everything but we do not always know that label is even a thing in and of itself.

Sure, you can call an experience "spiritual" but what is "spiritual"? What is a spirit? Do you have an example of it? If not, why call it that?

Yet, mostly we do not experience "God" or "Spiritual" or weird events, we typically have very "normal" lives, broadly speaking. 

I would want one day to talk to someone who was born without sight, and ask them how they can be sure anything they have been told is true. How can they know that blue is even a thing? Yet there must be some way they could know that, right?

Does the blind person have access to things I do not? I want to ask questions of all people of all sorts. I want answers. I think you might want answers as well.

One thing I've come to accept is that, there will always be questions, but not always answers, but always more questions.

What is it like to never be? What if I was born a woman? What if this, what if that? Why am I not a cat? Who knows. That is one of those things - just - we are born who we are, we didn't ask to be that way, some are "lucky" to be born in a place where they have food and education, others are not so "lucky" some are born without a brain, (!!) and do not last long - what is life from there view? Do they even perceive reality at all?

Reality is real. Its a hash thing at times. My own mind, whatever it is, couldn't and I dare say wouldn't have the mess that is out there. If someone made this for me and me alone, my word they have to be board by now! So, yes, I'm a jaded skeptic, but no I don't doubt that reality is real, or that you exist or that we all exist or that someday, we might even figure it all out.

Yep. I'm very sure that reality is still real.


Most likely.

Look we can all agree lobsters exist... right?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Fixing Emigration: Civilian Corps

My brother and I got to talking about emigration after watching an episode of Designated Survivor. 

We then came up with the solution to illegals that are here, as well as those that want to come here. Because, we are just that awesome. ;)

Civilian Corps.

The military complex is huge, and it spends a ton of money already. So, you want to be a citizen of the USA? Well, service guarantees citizenship! The military already hires civilians - and there is room for low level work, I'm talking serous grunt work that you can't just give the enlisted to do (but they love to do that!) this could be house cleaning for on base house's, baby sitting (a much needed relief for military families!)

So, here is the deal. If you are an illegal in the USA you have a choice: go home, or sign up for the Civilian Corps (CC). That's it. That simple. You sign up you swear, under oath, and sign a binding contract that you will serve for (X) number of years, whatever we decide is needed.

Training is vastly different for the CC, the operation itself is a joint military op, as some of these people will be going to Navy - some Army, some Marine bases, and so on. They get beds. They get a full check up, and like boot camp, they all get a nice hair cut, not as crazy as the enlisted get, but they get it shortened, dental work is done if its major. They get a shower and chow. They all sleep in one giant bunk area just like boot. However, they don't march. They do not train like enlisted or officers. They are here to learn. They walk to a class, they learn English - learning English is a requirement and will help them assimilate into the culture and get around, it will open up job opportunists and not let them become ghettoized. They also learn basic skills, cooking, cleaning, basic maintenance of office and home machines and utilities, how to apply for jobs, fill out taxes, and other things that adults should know. We find out what they are good at, and we help them be better, but we also teach them to be a jack of all trades.

After training is done, they are transferred to whatever base needs them, they might be house keepers, hotel operations, maintenance, whatever is needed at a lower tier, and would cost far more if a regular civilian was hired to do the job. The kids also are part of this, there service is learning, they attend school and have doom rooms if old enough, younger kids are taken care of by others that have already passed the training on child care.

You do your job, you get food and board, and a bit of money is stored for you, in an account that will grow in interest and pay out when your service time has ended. Your payment is your room & board.

That's it. Your living area has some entertainment systems, you have access to a library. Your encouraged to keep learning.

At the end of service, you have a good deal of cash, and you are sworn in as a US Citizen, you know English, you have working skills, a resume, and reference's. In the year leading up to your end time is spent working to find you a job and place to live.

Old or young, anyone could serve. Disabled could serve with specialized jobs, and for those that are to disabled to work at all, they would have a job teaching, they would learn to be a teacher and teach from home if need be. There would be something for everyone.

If they break the law before there service is up, depending on what the law is or how sever it is, they risk getting booted home. This is why they learn the laws of the land and the laws of the place they are living in, and during the year leading to there end of service, the laws of wherever they might be going.

Kids also learn important skills and laws, ethics, and how to become a fully realized grown up.

If someone ends there mortal journey during there service, they get a fully payed for funeral, there family gets all the help they want or need.

For those seeking asylum, CC would be a way to fast track into getting into the USA. Anyone who shows up at the border wanting in can sign up for CC. If you don't want to sign up, you don't get in. If your caught coming in, your tossed back over the boarder, no questions asked.

This program would be for those here NOW and also as a easier way in for those wanting to get in latter. This would be made crystal clear, and the USA would make sure other countries knew this. Spread the word. We don't want you here illegally, if you want sanctuary and don't want to wait, sign up for CC. Maybe they could even come pick you up.

Would it cost a bit of money? Sure. The military could swing it, and it might reduce money spent now on civilian jobs. It also as I said would be a great help for military families, having free daycare, free in house child care, free home cleaning on or off base. THAT would really, really be great for moral and help the parents to go to work, and come back to there kids. The kids could be taken to and picked up from school on posts. The possibilities are almost endless really.

Of course, this makes far to much sense, so we will not do it. As most great ideas, it will remain just that. Ah well, its now on the net, maybe someone somewhere that can do something will read this and make it happen somehow... but I'm a skeptic, so I doubt it.