Wow, I found this song, written some days gone on, a guy named Hopkins with an ill mind but I found this song's so good I've played it on rewind, its about his faith and how he lost it, although he's tryn` to talk to god and not diss` him, but its revealed as the song goes on, that his mind just found to many flaws that the story was based upon, to much what ifs, and he's done, he mentions its his life and he is having fun, as if one couldn't do that with god what is that belief based upon?
Religion is a virus of the mind you see, Dawkins said that and no one recalls his scientific legacy, they just see him as a pope of atheism but that's not true, as an atheist the only one who leads you is you. Just yourself, with no one to call upon, no prayers to be answered, no Hail Marry to hang your hopes upon, just you, and that is it, might make you feel alone, and religion knows that shit, it prays upon, our life gone wrong, it takes whatever needs we have and puts a tag upon, sayn` it can heal or help or mend all the things that life might rend, including the end of life too, they think we are nitwits? They should just quit, but they belief that shit so they think its legit.
Learning how many things I once thought was true are not, truth be told that hurt a lot, at least for awhile, then I realized that the truth was more real then I realized it, science can explore this wondrous world, with these tools we can know the for real deal, we don't have to depend upon faith or hope or whatever spell you might call upon.
Magic doesn't exist, its all just tricks, if Jesus existed he would have fooled Penn and Teller no bullshit, but upon closer exam you would see how he did the trick and the illusion would be revealed for all to see. The point is you don't know how its done, that way you can say its a miracle even though there is no way to know if you've seen a real one.
Its a hoax, but folks will say that its more believable then the alternative, what alternative I ask last I checked science hasn't come up with those answers just yet, but humans can't wait so they play dumb and call upon a thing they called god and then they carry on.
Logic and science, facts and data, those things are true and never tell no fables, you got to use your brain to understand em, they are not easy, no bedtime story this stuff makes you dizzy. I guess that helps to explain religion to as its easy when someone else thinks for you. If you don't learn to think for yourself you will be though, so be tough and learn to be the best possible you.
Its not easy that's for sure, but don't quit, just be true man and never regret it. Stand tall and say without fail that there is no heaven or god or demons or devil, all the bull that religion say is true, only maybe like 1% is true but I can find that without some man in a collar telling me what to do. Free your mind and come along, smile and put that badge right on, the label you have put a light upon, tell the world you are no longer a theist, just now call you atheist.
That shits dope yo, and you don't have to believe it. We got facts they got faith, we will help them see the light of the day, one day, they will come out of that hole they found themselves in maybe but until the war is won, we march each battle with logic and draw upon each other and others we have a shoulder you can cry on. We will carry on.
~Inpired by: Hopsin - Ill Mind of Hopsin 7~