Saturday, March 9, 2019


What is a God?
What things must something have to be called a God?
Must the thing in question have power to make a universe?
Must it have all knowledge?
Must it always exist?
Let me talk about a few God examples.

Haruhi Suzumiya. (spoilers for anime/manga)

The God that isn't aware that it is, in fact, God.

Its highly possible in the world of Haruhi that she is God. That she has made the reality that is all around her, and she has made it, perhaps - last Thursday She wants the world to not be normal, but if the world is not normal, then she will be aware that she is in fact God, and thus not be happy. If God is unhappy - well then the world as we know it, most likely will end. This is the "Melancholy". The anime asks the question - what does God want? I think the answer is given when Kyon kisses her, God wants (or needs) love.

This kiss resets everything to normal again. Although its not normal for aliens, time travlers and espers do exist in reality, but Haruhi must never know this. The careful balance of keeping her happy and unaware, is put on Kyon who must love her enough to put up with her, and the insanity that she is causing him.

In this world, God is not aware that it is in fact God. 

How would we know if we were in a world like this?
You might object by saying that there are no aliens, time travelers or espers - but then again you might not be the main protagonist. Your not Kyon, and thus are also unaware of what is the true nature of reality. Perhaps God got board, and the reality we have here is the result. Then God erased its memory that it was God.

How would you possibility hope to know if that wasn't the case?



God is a trickster.

"Oh, you'd like me to connect the dots for you, lead you from A to B to C, so that your puny mind could comprehend? How boring."

Q from Star Trek The Next Generation was shown to do things that no human could do, that no technology could do. Q could very well be a God - or THE God. If Q did have the powers "he" claims to have, then all bets are off. If Q said it was a God, and did all sorts of things that defy understanding, how could you say it wasn't God?

Q is of course, a trickster, or at the very least a tester. Or well, insane. We get told by Q and others but who knows - if Q really is at a level beyond us, then it could simply lie about its own past and its own abilities. There is simply no way to know. If this is God, then we are mere playthings. Perhaps we are. How could we hope to know?



"We are you, and you are us! ... Stop playing games!"

Humans are God. In that, we made God in our image, because we are pattern seeking creatures. Because we lack all knowledge. Because the mundane world is fighting or dull. Because others said there was a God. Because we were taught this. Because people believe it. 

God is you. You are God. We are God. God is nothing more then our own brain. When you pray, you are talking to you. When you worship, you are worshiping yourself. 

Religion takes you on this ride of promises that it can't prove, and promises answers it can't provide. God fills a roll of not wanting to be alone. Not wanting all this to not "matter". God is the answer when you have no answer. Here there be dragons, here there be Gods.

Goblins, Ogres, Dragons do not exist, and that really doesn't upset anyone. Yet when you say G.O.D. does not exist, suddenly you have a debate on your hands.

If we are God, then all God ideas are made from us, and by us. This would explain why God never does anything that nature can not do. This would explain why random things bad and good can happen. This wouldn't explain the mystery's we have, but nether does invoking God - for perhaps we should "save a step" and learn to love the mystery. To say "We do not know now.... but we one day might." To not insert God into the gaps. 

Yet, people think there really is a God, that it is not humanity. That it is out there, unproven, untestable, non-observed, abstract and strange. That you must work to "find" God - when perhaps, God is right there, in you and is you. If true, we must be the best possible God we could be. I suspect we will do better then the made up Gods... but we might do just as bad, or worse. 


Or maybe its a lobster.

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