So I was in a hangout here:
Some background, I've spoken to the person that some are calling "Jil" (as his youtuber name is jesus is lord) and I've heard him claim before that he gladly ripped out pages from text books on evolution to teach it to kids. This is either a lie, or the truth. If a lie, he is a horrible person for lying, if the truth he is a monster for teaching kids a lie and for being okay with that.
Yes, we should attack the argument, not the man. Yet my anger was full boil he had to be put in his place, did I do this? I'm not sure. In the past if and when I've lost my cool live I've regretted doing so. This time, I feel justified at being so angry at this waste of human flesh. I draw the line at teaching nonsense to kids and being smug about doing so.
But lets go over what I revealed to be his "arguments".
He wanted to debate the flood mentioned in the bible. His proof that event occurred is that other stories also talk about a flood. Stories that happened before the flood are proof that the flood happened, so the Epic of Gilgamesh you see tells of this tale because the bible doesn't tell you a location or time, so all stories about any floods before or after (since we do not know the event time) will be pointing at the bible story (and other accounts might be corrupted or something) also everyone of every nation just had it put "in there heart" that this event happened, thus explaining all the stories about floods. So that is the "proof" that the bible flood happened.
This is the nonsense we must put up with. Now, what about the age of the earth/universe - he never said what he thought that was, but he is really, really against evolution because - of course, he asserts there isn't evidence. Perhaps if he had read the books he ripped out the pages from he would know what the evidence was. Also, also he would not debate this, because he doesn't have the proof that it is true. What!? Yep. He said that. I got him to basically admit that nothing would change his mind, even though he has said that if he had evidence that would change his mind (it will not).
I cornered him with the fact that miracle.are never identifiable as such - the appeal to ignorance fallacy is all you got with those. You see pigs fly (his analogy not mine) that must be a miracle. How do you know? Because everything we know about pigs says they should not fly. So, I'll go down that rabbit hole awhile - say you have found a flying pig and used all science and still do not know how it flies - is it a miracle- yes it is. What if tomorrow its found out how the pig flew showing it to be mundane? Well then... yeah. The point is, the same fallacy of thinking lighting is a miracle is the same fallacy of thinking a flying pig is a miracle: appeal to ignorance. Yet then he equivocates to there being "other types" of miracles - and that yes, lighting is still one of those types of miracles.
Ugh. He also constantly shifted the burden of proof and gave zero anything for any of his claims. Typical.
My anger, however, came from his smugness regarding what he did to those kids. It made my blood "boil" so to speak. I concluded he was dead to me and will not again talk to this person. The argument didn't even exist to attack in this case. All we have is a human that is okay with teaching nonsense he knows nothing about to kids. Oh sure, I would debate him if someone set it up, but I'd require him to have a syllogism and require the debate to be about evolution - something he will not debate "atheists" about (what about a Christian who agreed with evolution, hmmm? Oh those are fake Christians I bet) with that wall in place, we would never debate.
I've said plenty of times on my channel to attack the argument, not the person. The fact that this guy is an utter waste of flesh who lies to kids and lies to us is not relevant to his argument... but he doesn't have an argument. So... well... there is just a big nothing here.
I've had far better talks and debates with theists. This is an example of someone who we must leave behind as we move forward in progress.
Perhaps others will have fun with him. I'm moving on.