This paper (click) has a disturbing argument to say the least.
Yes, these two are arguing that given past ideas of abortion, we could hypothetically allow just born, (or perhaps a few day old) baby's to be killed or if you don't like that harsh word - "euthanize".
So, eugenics? Basically, yes - any unwanted birth even after the fact can be done away with. Why stop at a few days old though? Lets extend that - what if the kid gets some illness that will cost just to much money to deal with? What if the baby runs into something and gets a brain injury, oh sure they might do just fine - but they might also become very dumb, something the parents wouldn't have wanted pre-birth. So, get rid of em. I say this does not go far enough, what about as a child if the kid breaks a law? Why, the parents would not have had the kid had they known there child was going to become a criminal. So just kill them. Why not? In fact, why stop there? Parents should just have the right to kill there own kid whenever they feel like it, they did bring them into this world after all. Heck, why stop with parents, some kid scratch's your car with there bike - clearly that kid has to go. Of course why stop with kids and teens - anyone you don't like for any reason should be killable I say. Of course we will just rename it something clever so no one will object when we write up our paper about it.
One wonders, if we could in fact get such a paper to be published in this journal?
One wonders how the hell such a paper got published in the first place.
Oh also it was defended.
Bleep. We went to far my fellow readers. Somewhen somehow, some people just went to far. Is it to late to stop the madness?
I ask you, what can we do?