All lives matter.
I do not believe in "black lives" because life has all the colors in it, and of it, and no colors as well - life is far more then tone of skin. This was never about racism, BLM was always about control & money. It was never about justice, it was always about dividing us up. We humans are all the same race. It was never about fixing problems - it was always about making the problems worse. Defund police? What are you crazy? How about reshape the police training, have more community interaction with the police? How about celebrate them for the hero's they are? How about the media stops trying to get a few more clicks out of us and reports upon reality, the good as well as the bad? Maybe MORE good needs to be shown for a change? How about fixing the system - as that will benefit us all. We see it time and time again - whenever programs are made that do not help all - people suffer. Look at homeless shelters - if you are a woman with kids - no problem - they have room for you, but not the guy - he must go over there. If you are a guy with kids the homeless shelter has no room for that - only moms with kids apply. If you are black you get to apply for a college fund that exists solely for you. So many programs that only help you out if you are (X)(Y) or (Z) that drains from the programs that are for all. To many programs - so that no one knows what program to support with funds, making the programs overall weaker and less able to help. Cut offs in programs just when you make enough money to almost reach the stable place - so that you must not make enough money, programs that pay money per kid you have, rather then help you to become an adult with life skills. A dark cloud hangs over the head of people that come out of jail, finding work or a place to live is hard, or impossible - making crime the only life they can live. Registration of people because of what crime they did - something that marks them forever and doesn't fix anything and only can (and does) harm the people that served time. Jails are pointless time outs for adults, where no rehab takes place, where nothing is done, where gangs form and interpersonal relationship drama becomes all consuming, because there is nothing else to do. This doesn't serve anyone. We need to rethink prison in full. Hell, maybe we need to rethink what "justice" is or means - jail has become the answer to every problem. We need zero mandatory sentences so that judges can come up with unique sentencing rather then fines or jail. Restructure things to make bloody sense. Heck it took years but they are starting to see the scientific data on how to do proper integration interviews now - going with a concerned approach - a friendly hand - and NO LYING - but still if you talk to them you might wind up in bigger trouble then if not, and this is backwards - you should be rewarded for telling the truth, not punished for it. Get rid of CPS - that evil vile system that helps NO ONE. Oh my word - so many things that we could really work on together to change for the better, but no - lets fight over our skin color! Lets segregate because being around people not like me is SO HARD. Lets make fake news and click bate! YEAH MONEY! WOO. Hashtag it up. Yelp it out, whatever. Yeah your part of a "movement" by hashtag! Oh you changed your icon to be rainbows how fucking enlightened of you! Oh yes, please tell me your gender pronouns THAT WILL SOLVE THINGS. Ah well. I can only complain about such matters on my tiny platform - upon my tiny soap box. Holding the sign that doomsday doesn't have to be a thing... if only we can see that all lives matter. Ah well.Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Thursday, October 28, 2021
The 4400 (2004) vs 4400 (2021)
Thursday, September 9, 2021
The No True Christian Song!
Oh yes there are lots of ways to deny someone's history when it comes to Christianity
We will start the trip by taking this slip of bible passages that seem to suggest you were never best buds with Jesus our Lord!
Oh in Matt 15:8 its so damn great cuss its a statement about you! Sure you might have prayed and might have stayed an extra day or two at church - but remember honoring with lips, your heart is far so far away from me - that is what he be - thus sure you might have prayed but you didn't love him that day so you never did stay with Jesus anyway!
Its almost as good as Isaiah 29:13 - that says sort of the same but adds to the frame that your worship was also so lame!
Now let me reflect upon James 1:26 just for some kicks as this could be used on some Jesus lover dudes who I know are just to rude for it says that if your tongue is bad then you have been had because your just a cad and for you Jesus is just a fad!
Oh yes there are many ways to deny someone was a Christian- this is important to understand so you can wave your hands to wave away cogitate disarray!
First John, not the second one but the very first one says in 2 colon 9 if you hate the other believer then you are not in the light it says nothing about hating non believers so that might be alright!
Titus! TIT IS! No I mean... Tides are us. Wait no. Anyway, TITUS 1:16 says your faith is just a dream if your works show you unclean so if what you do is not about Jesus then you are just a man and not a follower then!
Back to the first John again, cuss boy oh man he had a lot to say if you don't do what your told to do by God above then oh boy, your going below, so long bye bye bro, your telling a lie so I guess go and die, but that is just the thing he said in 2:4!
Hold on to your cat first Johns at it again, 3 and 6 basically says that if you keep on sinn` then you didn't know him, so I guess no one is a real Christian!
OH MY WORD FIRST JOHN WHY 3 - 8 THOUGH 10 Its a long passage about how you are not a true Jesus follower dude, it goes on and on to say, all the ways you could fail today, or yesterday to and boo-hoo-hoo, sucks to be you!
Anyway there is more but its kinda a bore let me skip right past Luke and the Corin as well, screw that dude John and Matt can go too just what do you do when you look at who is who all throughout the bible there are ways to figure out who is not a REAL CHRISTAN DUDE.
But of course none of that applies to me - no none of that applies to me, because no matter what I'll say in my brain till I go insane that I'm a follower not lame like you are!
Ha ha ha you never were a real Christian!
Oh yes. Oh yes. Now that I think back. To all of that. I cross my arms and say:
Well I guess you didn't care about logical fallacies anyway - the no true Scotsman - just apparently was not something that whoever wrote the bible understands.
But what else do you expect from a guy who said not to bother washing hands?
That happened in Mark Seven!
And ~fin~!
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Sunday, July 11, 2021
CRT will be the straw that breaks...
This CRT nonsense will be the end of us all.
Full video of School Board Madness from above link
Look, whatever the bleep they want to call this utter nonsense - its racist. That is what it is. CRT and/or DIE models and/or whatever names they want to label them as (Hey its not Creationism its ID!) is pure madness that is marching right into our schools - and those that try to stop it, of course are trying to be shut down. This should be something that the left yells about as well as the right - but goodness the CRT somehow has worked its way up to Obama wondering why we are focusing so much on CRT (rather then other issues) "Nothing to see here, move alone" eh?
Insanity and madness.
All I can say is that. Oh I can make videos I guess, but I'm a very small voice.
I want to effect real change - but I have no idea how.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
We found a tiny kitten - this proves there is no loving god.
"So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows"
Matthew 10:31
Yeah, right.
So my brother heard a tiny sound when doing his job, inside a storage unit he found a tiny orange kitten. Alone the kitten yelled for its mother who was simply gone. Alone, this kitten had starved for at least a day, perhaps more. So, of course, he brought it home to take care of.
Both he and his wife have been waking up every 2-3 hours to feed the kitten, take care of it, and love it. This will keep going until Monday when the animal shelter is open so it can be taken there. Money spent to feed it, money spent to care for it, time & energy - worry over if its doing well, all for a small kitten.
My brother said "I couldn't just leave it to die."
But apparently god could.
Oh I'm sure someone religious might object that god lead my brother to find the kitten to take care of it, but there are thousands upon thousands of other creatures great & small out there with no one to take care of them, dying slowly from thirst & starvation, suffering. As god does nothing.
Then there are the humans, same story - countless billions have died that otherwise could have lived. As god watches. Doing nothing.
All this suffering proves, beyond a doubt to me - that god could not be loving. If it loved, it would do something, and we are told that god can do anything - yet it does not. It lets all the things suffer.
Some claim this is all due to people rejecting god - as if that somehow shifts the blame away from god, it does not. God made the system - its god's fault it sucks.
So, I have to conclude what flows from logic - that if there is a thing that can do anything, it does not love, if it loves then it can not do everything for it does nothing to help all that it could. Its not there, it doesn't care - all we have is each other.
Value each other.
This cute little life that is a kitten will not be our responsibility soon enough, in fact it wasn't - but it was because we care - because we love. Because we can do something so we must.
Yet god - well. If it even exists it simply does not care.
Or can't do diddly squat.
Kitten, the universe might not know about you, but we do. We cared. We tried our best. We removed a tiny bit of suffering in this world for a little bit of time.
That means we are far better then any and all gods.
Thanks for reminding me of this you cute ball of fir.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
This tiny dot.
A tiny, tiny fraction of a very large world, where untold thousands of people lived, loved, played, cried, and died. In other parts of the world, other Gods were celebrated, some new ones were mad, old ones discarded, in other places, no one knew what was going on here at the time.
To believe that an actual God would put itself in a single location, during a single moment of history.
To believe that - is something I can not do.
Yet, people do believe that.
It frightens me the power of belief.
Yet, our mind can do wonders with belief, once we see it as such, we can turn it creative and make new stories, ones where we do not pretend they are real, yet the story is just as, if not more - awesome then the myth tales of the Bible or other religions text.
This tiny dot could have been anywhere.
It could have been any religion.
It could have been any idea.
Perhaps, somehow we can be a new dot.
Maybe we can be a tiny dot that starts something better.
I think its worth a try.
If we use logic & reason to do so, perhaps it will prevail on this tiny dot we call home.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
The bribe.
Picture it, you are offered two doors to choose from, behind one door is all the wealth you could ever desire, an operation that will make your body & mind perfectly well & whole, things to do that will fill you with purpose, music of all kinds, DNA splicing that will make you young again, the romance of your dreams. Everything you could ever want and more. The other door is simply a room with a wooden chair to sit on, a wooden slab to lay upon, some water to drink, and some dry bread to consume.
What door would you choose?
In fact - at this moment do you really have a choice anymore?
The bribe an appeal to motive - appeal to bribery. This logical fallacy seeks to overwhelm your logical motive with an emotional one.
So, do you really have a choice at this point?
The flip side of this is much easier to understand, intuitively. Argumentum ad baculum.
We understand that a threat to our life, safety, or lives / safety of those we care about forces us to do what the person making the threat (or implied threat) wants to do, but a bribe seems less harsh - more alluring.
The positive seeming bribe is appealing to our carnal tastes, its good smell drags us forward towards the pie that we know we should not eat. Its overwhelms our intellect with desires.
Its just as sinister as its flip side, perhaps more so because we do not necessary see the bribe as a bad thing in this case - "bribe" seems like it should only be used in the context of paying off someone to get away with something - that sort of bribe we see as wrong or illegal, we can picture easily a person offering a police officer money to not write a ticket for example, to "look the other way" - we can understand that it is bad when a judge takes a bribe because justice is then tainted.
However if someone offered us such a "choice" of two rooms with "no strings attached" we might be hard pressed to see the evil of it, or the harm of it, there is no reason to NOT take the thing I most desire is there?
One might argue, of course that getting everything you ever wanted would not feel good - but that is overridden by the thought experiment in that you would in fact feel fulfilled as that is part of the thing you are getting. The point of course is not to try to dismantle the thought experiment but to flow with it, to answer the question of "Do I REALLY have a choice?"
We can understand we do not REALLY have a choice when someone threatens us - then why does it seem hard to see we do not REALLY have a choice when someone bribes us? Perhaps it is just me.
Regardless if the bribe is there, then it is a logical fallacy.
Yet one could make excuses for taking the room filled with your hearts desires, and a logical process to take that room - of course, yet this does not, and can not negate the fact that it is still not an argument being made by the person/group that is offering the "choice" of the rooms in the first place.
So, a boring dull room behind door number one, or everything you ever could want behind door number two.
Do you really have a choice?
Or is it that choice in this case, is pure illusion?
I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide.
Friday, March 12, 2021
A post exchange on youtube reposted here in case it gets deleted or something
From this video (click)
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Killing babies is fine, Alberto Giubilini & Francesca Minerva argue.
This paper (click) has a disturbing argument to say the least.
Yes, these two are arguing that given past ideas of abortion, we could hypothetically allow just born, (or perhaps a few day old) baby's to be killed or if you don't like that harsh word - "euthanize".
So, eugenics? Basically, yes - any unwanted birth even after the fact can be done away with. Why stop at a few days old though? Lets extend that - what if the kid gets some illness that will cost just to much money to deal with? What if the baby runs into something and gets a brain injury, oh sure they might do just fine - but they might also become very dumb, something the parents wouldn't have wanted pre-birth. So, get rid of em. I say this does not go far enough, what about as a child if the kid breaks a law? Why, the parents would not have had the kid had they known there child was going to become a criminal. So just kill them. Why not? In fact, why stop there? Parents should just have the right to kill there own kid whenever they feel like it, they did bring them into this world after all. Heck, why stop with parents, some kid scratch's your car with there bike - clearly that kid has to go. Of course why stop with kids and teens - anyone you don't like for any reason should be killable I say. Of course we will just rename it something clever so no one will object when we write up our paper about it.
One wonders, if we could in fact get such a paper to be published in this journal?
One wonders how the hell such a paper got published in the first place.
Oh also it was defended.
Bleep. We went to far my fellow readers. Somewhen somehow, some people just went to far. Is it to late to stop the madness?
I ask you, what can we do?
Thursday, January 28, 2021
How information is not preserved via oral transmission.
Jamz sees some weird object flying around.
Dark quickly tells Uke about it.
Dark's ideaof what Jamz said is slightly off.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
During a live stream I was in with my friend Skeptical Skeleton I wrote some notes on what the speakers were saying about "What is god" to answer this one of the many people came up with God that is beyond God, and someone else had a reality that is more real... anyway so I just am tossing all the notes together to get the real true truth for real for sure this time. I call it, God Squared.
God squared.
Its a God beyond God. Greater then the God you thought of just now.
it can not be explained by humans, but now I'm about to explain it, although I can't using words not really, because we can
not understand the real true god(2) then if we did understand it then its not the real god, only by knowing what god is really god
the Real! THE REAL. oh my word the Real!!!! O_o;
We believe these things - but those things are wrong, but what I believe, that is the thing that is right.
in fact its not even my belief because its the fact of the nature of the truth nature of true that is really for real the actual god
that you can experience but only by letting go of the fake gods that people say (but not my god because my god is the real for REAL god you see) therefor god(2) is the true TRUTH the REALITY is BEYOND THE PHYISCAL because its BEYOND all the Real real for true Truth!!!!
ITS NOT God by traditional sense! Its mega THE REAL.
ULTAMENT REALITY is not what you like, because what you like isn't the true truth, the real truth will be the one you do not want.
ULTAMISEM!!!! The claim there is a reality that is more even more real in three ways:
1 Metaphysical.
2 Axiological (Ultimately) (Value) the deepest possible value. Like what is worshiped. ULTAMENT VALUE. Reality, but just generally.
3 Soteriology (Ultimately) - the study of salvation ULTAMENT SALVATION.
The ways that are way more true then the true TRUTH and that is the metaphysical REAL TRUTH FOR REALITY METAPHYICAL GOD FOR REAL.
The ULTAMENT good is then there is a reality that is really real. For real.
An infinity of perfections!
The core is part of it, power! POWER ALL INFINITE POWER!!!
All powerful power!! POWER.
PLUS this is all true or nothing else is true! And that is the TRUE TRUTH REAL ULTAMEISM ULTRA.
And that is what God is for real.